

I sit.

Trying with all my might to disseminate the tension in my being. 

should I always expect that something should go wrong?


And if only

 To prevent moments that leave me entirely overcome with frustration?

I sit watching the wings flash high above the clouds,

still soaking in the daylight, 

when down below the night has already fallen.

I should be there already!

I take a deep breath. 

Then I yawn. 

I try to ignore the turbulence inside. 

And out. 

And then wonder if it best ignored or whether to process it is a better idea?

As with every journey we get there. 


In this very moment I feel quite upset that my plans have been altered. 


As I have been reminded, 

The reason is gold. 

A treasure beyond belief. 

A treasure that is being nurtured into life as we speak.

A precious little egg. 

New life about to begin... 

A reason that outshines all in the universe.

One that gives me a real reason to forget my fussing.

To bear witness to this marvel is enough.

Whether it happens on time or not.